Concept Creature for a Graphic Novel STARSEWN
Copyright 2008-2022 Dante Lividini
'Woggli' 'Wogglet' 'Wogglets' Trademark 2022 Dante Lividini
Copyright 2008-2022 Dante Lividini
'Woggli' 'Wogglet' 'Wogglets' Trademark 2022 Dante Lividini
Singular: Wogglet
Plural: Woggli
Plural: Woggli

The Original Wogglet Sketch
The wogglet started out as a kind of diversion, an amusement, and has gradually taken on a life of its own. Originally conceived as a 'vegetable spirit bird' the woggli are now known to be actually sentient fungi that grow in patches on the bark or along the roots of a special tree. Each patch is called, appropriately a 'brood', for the little creatures spend their time contemplating the greater mysteries of the universe. The tentacle like organ on their head is called the 'wog', and it is attuned to the emotional vibrations of the universe's fabric.

a "Patch" of Woggli
The patch, or brood, clearly illustrates how the woggli huddle together, their wog organs flowing freely to pick up vibrations of the world, life, the universe

The Queen Wogglet
Being so vulnerable as they contemplate the meaning of the universe , each patch of woggli has its own Queen. The Queen watches over her brood, making sure they sing, and grow in the starlight.

The Queen and her brood

The woggli use their 'wog' to pick up vibrations of the universe's fabric, and are therefore sensitive to all emotions around them. As a consequence, when approached by negativity or ill intent, each wogglet will begin to morph in defense, a process called 'wogglation.' In wogglation, the wogglet elongates, becoming more snake like, and the wog come forward,
hidden barbs on each becoming exposed. To be stricken by a wogglet in wogglation means instant death...for the
barbs are poisonous. Like, very. This even see a wogglet, and live, one must be pure of heart and intention.
hidden barbs on each becoming exposed. To be stricken by a wogglet in wogglation means instant death...for the
barbs are poisonous. Like, very. This even see a wogglet, and live, one must be pure of heart and intention.

Twined Woggli
Twined, twin·ing.
1.a strong thread or string composed of two or more strands twisted together. act of twining, twisting, or interweaving.
3.a coiled or twisted object or part; convolution.
4.a twist or turn in anything.
5.a knot or tangle.
–verb (used with object) twist together; interwind; interweave. form by or as by twisting together: to twine a wreath. twist (one strand, thread, or the like) with another; interlace. clasp or enfold (something) around something else; place by or as if by
1.a strong thread or string composed of two or more strands twisted together. act of twining, twisting, or interweaving.
3.a coiled or twisted object or part; convolution.
4.a twist or turn in anything.
5.a knot or tangle.
–verb (used with object) twist together; interwind; interweave. form by or as by twisting together: to twine a wreath. twist (one strand, thread, or the like) with another; interlace. clasp or enfold (something) around something else; place by or as if by
Occasionally, two special woggli will twine, so that they can spore and bloom together. Sporing and blooming is, of course, super important, and thus, twined woggli, and maybe the woggli altogether symbolize love in the universe.

Also known less infrequently as the Tentaclepuss (it hates that name)
Deep in the forest of the LOSTandFOUND lives an elusive and beautiful creature....the Purling (also known as the wog-cat). formerly thought to be a kind of vegetable spirit creature similar to the fungus Woggli, the Purling is actually a flower, and grows on the furthermost tips of its Host tree's branches. With their soft cooing sounds, the Purling look similar to the age old dragons from China, with wizened, cat-like faces. These creatures are incredibly shy and very rare, and in fact, the one depicted here may have its eyes closed in order to 'hide' itself from the viewer. As the fable goes, if one happens to ever see a Purling, it means they are blessed. It is believed the Purling are sentient, and even have their own kind of language. Their serpentine bodies give them the soft, undulating, rolling motion that gives them their name. It has also given the Purling its significance as a symbol for change. On top of their heads are indeed wog organs...the enigmatic organ that links all wogged creatures to the fabric of the universe, and the heart, of everything....Always.

Singular: Gryce
Plural: Gryce
Plural: Gryce
Gryce are adorable. That is, until they see you. And chances are, they see you way before you think they see you, and just pretend to be innocently going about their way. These birdy looking creatures are a rare form of viral fungi, a distant, and corrupted relative of the woggli. In fact, as legend has it, the gryce are actually the antithesis of woggli. Known also as 'false wogglet', gryce are recognizable by the red colored skin around their eyes, their white 'collar' and their soft, innocent humming noise that maliciously mimics woggli song. Their smiling beaks however hide rows of razor sharp 'teeth,' and their root stalk legs sport elongated, sharp claw like barbs.
Another type of 'wog' creature, the gryce's single wog seems built for one thing only: to feed off of fear and aggression in the universe, and thus, in those around them. The single wog organ of the gryce is barbed on the end. This barb is always extended, unlike the woggli, whose wog barbs are exposed only in wogglation. It is typical for gryce to prey on small, domestic animals, but they relish patches of woggli. Unlike woggli, which are rooted to their mother tree, gryce are 'free roaming' wog creatures. Budding in batches of four (called a 'gang') gryce leave their mother tree early, returning only to replace a lost member. In the field, one gryce is always the 'look out', while the others grope in the brush for prey.
Fighting between aggravated gryce and woggli in the grip of wogglation is fierce, and more often than not ends in tragedy for one side or the other. However, despite the gryce's relative tenacity, strong wogglet Queens have been known to send gangs of gryce running and crying with their tails between their legs.